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The Reformation: A Selection of Books
Oxford U. Press & Others

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A Library Journal Best Reference Source
Winner of the Roland H. Bainton Prize for reference workd and Named an Outstanding Academic Book Choice
The Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation
4-Volume Set
Edited by HANS J. HILLERBRAND, Duke University

Comprising four volumes, 1,200 articles, and more than 1.3 million words, the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation is a unique compendium of contemporary scholarship focusing on the entire range of religious and social changes wrought by the Reformation, including not only issues of church polity and theology but also related developments in politics, economics, demographics, art, and literature. This broadly cast, interdisciplinary definition allows for a picture of the Reformation that escapes the narrow confines of theology and ecclesiology in favor of a comprehensive social and intellectual history of not only Western Europe and the British Isles but also southern Europe, Scandinavia, and east-central Europe in the early modern period. The unique breadth of coverage makes it an unparalleled source of information on the personalities and events of the era.

Topical categories of coverage include sites, regions, and polities; historical events; religious groups and movements; ecclesiastical institutions; creeds, confessions, and texts; theology; social history; and popular religion, as well as biographies and Reformation studies. The alphabetically arranged articles range from brief 300-word biographies of minor figures to major interpretive and synthetic treatments of topics such as the Eucharist, Lutheranism, the Catholic Reformation, cities, Calvinism, women, the Radical Reformation, law, education, Jews, humanism, the Bible, social welfare, justification, and art. Related entries cover such subjects as saints and sainthood, literacy, the French Wars of Religion, the Augsburg Confession, the Council of Trent, music, the Holy Roman Empire, persecution, apocalypticism, peasants, and magistracy.

Setting the issues of theology and ecclesiology within the broader context of the social and intellectual history of the era, the Oxford Encyclopedia of the Reformation transcends the bounds of denominational encyclopedias and dictionaries of Reformation history currently available, with contributors representing a variety of national and academic perspectives. An index and an extensive system of cross-references give the reader easy access to the network of interrelated articles throughout the encyclopedia. Offering exhaustive interdisciplinary and international coverage of all aspects of the Reformation, this work has no peer in either scope or depth.


English Reformations
Religion, Politics, and Society under the Tudors
CHRISTOPHER HAIGH, Christ Church, Oxford

English Reformations takes a refreshing new approach to the study of the Reformation in England. Christopher Haigh's lively and readable study disproves any facile assumption that the triumph of Protestantism was inevitable, and goes beyond the surface of official political policy to explore the religious views and practices of ordinary English people. With the benefit of hindsight, other historians have traced the course of the Reformation as a series of events inescapably culminating in the creation of the English Protestant establishment. Haigh sets out to recreate the sixteenth century as a time of excitement and insecurity, with each new policy or ruler causing the reversal of earlier religious changes. This is a scholarly and stimulating book, which challenges traditional ideas about the Reformation and offers a powerful and convincing alternative analysis.
384 pp.; 0-19-822162-2, Price $24.-00


The Impact of the English Reformation, 1500-1640
Edited by PETER MARSHALL, University of Warwick

This Reader brings together a collection of the most important and interesting recent articles on the impact of religious change in England in the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries. An introduction and sectional commentaries help to guide the reader through the maze of current scholarly debates.

356 pp.; 0-340-67709-0, $19.95 (06) paper

The European Reformation
EUAN CAMERON, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

This book is a survey and analysis of the European Reformation of the sixteenth century. During this period western Christianity underwent the most dramatic changes in its entire history. From Iceland to Transylvania, from the Baltic to the Pyrenees, the Reformation divided churches and communities into 'Catholic' and 'Protestant', and created varying regional and national traditions. The new Protestant creed rejected traditional measures of piety--vows, penances, pardons, and masses--in favor of sermons and catechisms, and an everyday morality of diligence, neighborly charity, and prayer. In the process, it involved many of Europe's people for the first time in a political movement inspired by an ideology and nourished by mass communication. Using the most recent research, Cameron provides a thematic and narrative synthesis of the events and ideas of the Reformation. He examines its social and religious background, its teachers and their message, and explores its impact on contemporary society.
584 pp.; 2 figs., 6 maps; 0-19-873093-4, $27.50 (04) paper


From Reformation to Improvement
Public Welfare in Early Modern England

Paul Slack's incisive analysis shows how the English came to believe between 1500 and 1740 that piecemeal improvement was more likely to be achieved than total social reformation. He examines social policy and institutions such as workhouses and hospitals in order to illustrate how contemporaries tried to shape their social and moral environment, and how they defined the notion of `welfare'.

Restoration, Reformation, and Reform, 1660-1828
Archbishops of Cantebury and their Diocese
JEREMY GREGORY, University of Northumbria, Newcastle

This wide-ranging and original book makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the Church of England in the period between 1660 and 1828. It explores the nature of the Restoration ecclesiastical regime, the character of the clerical profession, and the quality of the clergy's pastoral work, and the question of Church reform through a detailed study of the diocese of the archbishops of Canterbury. The book covers the political, economic, cultural, intellectual, and pastoral functions of the established Church and highlights the links to the Church of both earlier and later eras. The author argues that contrary to the common criticisms the Church of this period was an effective institution, with its own coherent and positive rationale.
368 pp.; 5 maps; 0-19-820830-8, $80.00 (06) Tentative, Publication June 2000

The Confessionalization of Humanism in Reformation Germany
ERIKA RUMMEL, Wilfrid Laurier University, Toronto

This book deals with the impact of the Reformation debate in Germany on the most prominent intellectual movement of the time: humanism Although it is true that humanism influenced the course of the Reformation, says Erika Rummel, the dynamics of the relationship are better described by saying that humanism was co-opted, perhaps even exploited, in the religious debate.
224 pp.; 6-1/8 x 9-1/4; 0-19-513712-4, Publication: June 2000, $45.00 (06) Tentative


The Reformation and the Towns in England
Politics and Political Culture, c.1540-1640
ROBERT TITTLER, Concordia University, Montreal

This is an important new analysis of the secular impact of the Reformation on English towns. It shows how the transfer of property, coupled with new statutory responsibilities and the destruction of a doctrine-based political culture, enabled many towns to extend their holdings and increase their institutional authority.

Documents of the Christian Church
Third Edition
Selected and Edited by HENRY BETTENSON and CHRIS MAUNDER

Since its first publication in 1967, this collection of writings from the most important moments in the history of Christianity has established itself as a classic work. Now incorporating a wealth of new material, this new edition will be an essential reference source for anyone interested in the history of the Christian Church.

While retaining the original material selected by Henry Bettenson, Chris Maunder has added a substantial section of more recent writings. These new entries illustrate the Second Vatican Council; the theologies of liberation; Church and State from 'Thatcher's Britain' to Communist Eastern Europe; Black, feminist, and ecological theology; ecumenism; and inter-faith dialogue. The emphasis on moral debate in the contemporary Churches is reflected in selections dealing with modern issues such as homosexuality, divorce, AIDS, and in-vitro fertilization. With the publication of this new edition, Documents of the Christian Church provides insights into the whole 2000 years of Christian theological and political debate.

Chris Maunder is Senior Lecturer in Theology and Religious Studies at the University College of Ripon and York St John.
496 pp.; 0-19-288071-3, $15.95 (03) paper Publication: 1999

Reform in Great Britain and Germany 1750-1850
Edited by TIMOTHY BLANNING, Cambridge University, and PETER WENDE, German Historical Institute, London

In the study of late eighteenth-century Europe the concept of `reform' has been neglected compared to the attention lavished on its more glamorous relation `revolution'. Yet it was reform not revolution which characterized the experience of both Great Britain and Germany from 1750 to 1850. This volume takes a comparative approach to shed new light on old problems.


The Catholic Priesthood and the English Reformation
PETER MARSHALL, Ampleforth College

The religious changes of Henry VIII and Edward VI had a profound effect upon the clergy of the English church, raising questions as to its status, jurisdiction, and proper place in the divine scheme of salvation. This is the first full examination of the cumulative impact of these changes upon the relationship between priests in the parishes and the lay men and women who depended upon them for spiritual nourishment and religious instruction, and who frequently found them wanting in these and other respects. It provides a perceptive exploration of the role of the Catholic priesthood in the church and in the life of the community. Using a wide range of contemporary sources, Marshall demonstrates how the practical consequences of the Reformation undermined the fragile modus vivendi that had sustained the late medieval system.
288 pp.; 0-19-820448-5, $65.00 (04) , 1994

Community and Clergy
Bristol and the Reformation c.1530-c.1570
MARTHA C. SKEETERS, University of Oklahoma, Norman

This is a study of Bristol during the sixteenth century, when it was the third largest city in England and an important provincial capital. The local focus of the book belies the breadth and innovation it brings to the study of the English clergy, the Reformation, and the early modern city. Skeeters examines the clergy of Bristol in its entirety--monks, friars, and the parish clergy--and integrates it into the urban context. She demonstrates that by the early sixteenth century these various sorts of clergy had become co-operative rather than competitive, and formed a community which was a fundamental part of the city's collective identity. Skeeters explores the impact of the Reformation on the clerics of Bristol and its lay citizens in an original and scholarly account which has much to offer both ecclesiastical and urban historians.
336 pp.; 3 maps; 0-19-820181-8,. $68.00 (04) , 1993

Gerrish, B. A. Continuing the Reformation: Essays on Modern Religious Thought. xvi, 284 p. 1993

The University of Chicago Press

LC: 93001796 Class: BT27

Cloth $54.00tx 0-226-28870-6
Paper $19.95tx 0-226-28871-4

Modern Christian religious thought, B. A. Gerrish argues, has constantly revised the inherited faith. In these twelve essays, written or published in the 1980s, one of the most distinguished historical theologians of our time examines the changes that occurred as the Catholic tradition gave way to the Reformation and an interest in the phenomenon of believing replaced adherence to unchanging dogma.

Gerrish devotes three essays to each of four topics: Martin Luther and the Reformation; religious belief and the Age of Reason; Friedrich Schleiermacher and the renewal of Protestant theology; and Schleiermacher's disciple Ernst Troeltsch, for whom the theological task was to give a rigorous account of the faith prevailing in a particular religious community at a particular time. Gerrish shows how faith itself has become a primary object of inquiry, not only in the newly emerging philosophy of religion but also in a new style of church theology which no longer assumes that faith rests on immutable dogmas. For Gerrish, the new theology of Protestant liberalism takes for its primary object of inquiry the changing forms of the religious life. This important book will interest scholars of systematic Christian theology, modern intellectual and cultural history, and the history and philosophy of religion.

Trevor-Roper, Hugh From Counter-Reformation to Glorious Revolution. Foreward by Patricia Wald. xvi, 332 p. 1992

The University of Chicago Press

LC: 92004684 Class: DA375

Cloth OBE $32.95sp 0-226-81230-8



A History of Modern Germany:
Volume 1. The Reformation, H. Holborn

Paper | 1982 | $20.95 / £13.50, 396 pp.

Princeton University Press


"[A] masterly account of the dramatic, tragic and often shameful history of Germany in the most recent age, which will probably become one of the most widely read of Holborn's works."--The New York Times Book Review

ISBN: 0-691-00795-0 Paper: $20.95


Winner of the Howard R. Marraro Prize

Right Thinking and Sacred Oratory in Counter-Reformation Rome

Frederick J. McGinness

Princeton University Press

Cloth | 1995 | $60.00 / £38.00
368 pp. | 6 x 9 | 11 halftones

At the end of the sixteenth century, when painters, writers, and scientists from all over Europe flocked to Rome for creative inspiration, the city was also becoming the center of a vibrant and assertive Roman Catholic culture. Closely identified with Rome, the Counter-Reformation church sought to strengthen itself by building on Rome's symbolic value and broadcasting its cultural message loudly and skillfully to the European world. In a book that captures the texture and flavor of this rhetorical strategy, Frederick McGinness explores the new emphasis placed on preaching by Roman church leaders. Looking at the development of a sacred oratory designed to move the heart, he traces the formation of a long-lasting Catholic worldview and reveals the ingenuity of the Counter-Reformation in the transformation of Renaissance humanism.


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